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Riley, P., Elleson, J., Bickerton, B., Newell, K., Elleson, J., Mark, J., . . . Taylor, G. (1998). The blessing tree. White Cloud.

Chicago-stil citat

Riley, Philip, Jayne Elleson, Bob Bickerton, Keiran Newell, Jayne Elleson, Jon Mark, Michael Atkinson, och Gary Taylor. The Blessing Tree. Eastbourne (NZ): White Cloud, 1998.


Riley, Philip, et al. The Blessing Tree. White Cloud, 1998.

Harvard-stil citat

Riley, P., Elleson, J., Bickerton, B., Newell, K., Elleson, J., Mark, J., . . . Taylor, G. 1998. The blessing tree. Eastbourne (NZ): White Cloud.

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