
Hänvisningar gällande denna post


Korven, M., Eggers, R., Eggers, M., Teixeira, R., Blaschke, J., Pattinson, R., & Dafoe, W. (2020). The Lighthouse.

Chicago-stil citat

Korven, Mark, Robert Eggers, Max Eggers, Rodrigo Teixeira, Jarin Blaschke, Robert Pattinson, och Willem Dafoe. The Lighthouse. 2020.


Korven, Mark, et al. The Lighthouse. 2020.

Harvard-stil citat

Korven, M., Eggers, R., Eggers, M., Teixeira, R., Blaschke, J., Pattinson, R. & Dafoe, W. 2020. The Lighthouse.

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